Unusual Places to Visit in Germany



Germany is a country steeped in history, with many beautiful and interesting places to tour. Whether you’re staying there for some time or just going on a trip, it can be hard to narrow down all the experiences and sights to see in this gorgeous land.

Other than the usual visits to Berlin and Munich, there are several uncommon choices for getting that unique German experience. Let’s have a look at some of these below:

1. Burg Eltz Castle.

The most unusual thing about this castle is probably its ownership. It’s been owned by the Eltz family for a whopping 33 generations, dating all the way back to the 12th century. Some members of this family are even living in certain parts of this castle today.

Another unique factor about this place is the plumbing system. This was quite unusual at the time the castle was built. An added convenience is that every room in this castle also has heating. keep in mind that most castles, especially of this age, only have heating in about two rooms on average.

You can opt for an official Burg Eltz tour, which is highly recommended. You might have to hike a bit from the parking lot to the venue itself, but the tour is worth the hassle. If you’re up for a bit of waiting, there’s a shuttle that will take you from the parking area to the castle. Here’s a discussion of strange and unusual buildings in other places if you like the sound of this one.

2. Lindenfels

Driving to the Lindenfels will take you through a beautiful scenic route. You’ll get to experience the lovely countryside of Germany in its full force, with several valleys and hills to make the landscape interesting. Lindenfels has been a part of Southern Hesse since the 1100s and has the fascinating name of ‘Dragon City’.

There’s even a Dragon Museum here, though not many may know about it. You can also visit the Lindenfels Castle ruins. The building itself was built back in 1080, but started to deteriorate during the 19th century. The town did try to restore some parts of it. currently, you can probably find some watchtowers in what’s left of the castle. These give you a view of the whole town, which would probably make for a great click to update your Instagram.

3. Bad Kreuznach

Bad Kreuznach is most famous for its hot springs and bridge houses. The latter were built late in the 15th century, while the city itself came into being in 1227. here are several other activities available, however, including a lovely walk by Nahe River.

Best of all, you’d probably find budget accommodation here very easily, along with several eateries to delight your taste buds. Plus, there are many modern conveniences such as large stores available for your every need.

4. Rheinfels Castle

Rheinfels Castle dates back to 1245, and is now mostly in ruins. However, it’s among the most ancient standing ruins in the world today. It was originally built as a modern fortress during the time of the Holy Roman Empire, occupying the prime spot of looking over the Rhine River.

What’s delightful about this castle is that you can explore it as much as you want. One can even go very deep inside, which is not always possible with standing ruins. Inside, you might even find several tunnels that run beneath the ground. There’s also a watchtower where you can see the Rhine river as well as St. Goar.

You’d definitely love this building if you have a passion for urban exploring and abandoned buildings. However, there is a hotel built right into the structure, so we can’t exactly call it an abandoned site.

5. The Great Heidelberg Tun

This is one place where you can just go and have an amazing time. It’s basically a huge wine vat inside the cellars of the Heidelberg Castle. It’s not used for storing wine anymore, but the sight itself is awe-inspiring. The vat used wood from about 130 oak trees and can hold around 219,000. We can just imagine the parties that went on here!

Even though the vat is now empty, it’s still a major tourist attraction. What’s more, there a dance floor right on top of this vat, so it’s definitely a party atmosphere.

If you’re adamant about having a sort of wine tour while in Germany, the country has several famous grape fields open for exploration. It’s much better if you sign up for organized tours, as these will get you through the day in safety. Read up on planning a German wine tour before you take the plunge.

6. Frankenstein Castle

If you’re a fan of classic horror, visiting the Frankenstein Castle is a must while you’re in Germany. This castle looks ordinary enough, especially during the daytime. However, it actually housed a scientist once, and is believed to have inspired Mary Shelley’s acclaimed novel.

The castle itself is creepy-looking, with a reputation to match. It’s quite large, sits on top of a hill, and overlooks the whole city below.  Its history tells the tale of Johann Conrad Dippel, who was a scientist specializing in experiments on human body parts. What’s more, the Frankenstein Castle is right in the center of the Odenwald forest. This makes it among the scariest spots in Germany, perhaps the world.

If you’re looking for an extra big scare, make sure to book a trip here for Halloween some year. There’s an annual Halloween program centered especially around this castle, with all sorts of monsters as well as refreshments.

7. Rothenburgob der Tauber.

There’s a lot to observe in this region, especially as it’s among the best-preserved places dating back to the medieval era. You’ll also be able to see a full wall from the 13th century surround the place. there’s a walkway all around it, with stairs dotted around the wall here and there.

Hotel Hornburg is one of the best places to stay here, as it’s a mansion that they’ve turned into a hotel. There’s a beautiful vintage interior design here, which will add a splash of color to your pictures and your memories.

The town itself is a fun place to be, as you get a lively atmosphere and several activities to follow. There’s also a complete tour available, which you should take in order to learn about this city’s history in a thoroughly enjoyable manner. What’s more, you can get several souvenirs from the unique shops. These close quite early, so make sure to be there at around five in the afternoon.

8. Dachshund Museum

This museum claims to be the sole one of its kind in the whole world. This sounds plausible, but there’s a lot more to these small canines than we may think. If you’re a dog lover, checking out that huge collection of dachshund figurines could be the high point of your whole German tour.

The figures themselves are adorable, while the history of dachshunds is also available here for those who’re interested. You can see exhibits that range from portraying the dachshund hunting dog to several different traits of this breed. You can also get some trinkets, toys, and pictures with the same theme. The best part might be that dogs are more than welcome here as well.


Visiting Germany for some fun and unusual adventures is a great idea. You’ll get a lot of choices about the places to visit, so make sure you conduct some thorough research beforehand. this way, you can be sure of getting the best time possible according to your tastes and within your budget. If you’re looking for unusual culinary experiences, though, you might want to read up on some strange foods from around the world.

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