Why is Vitamin A Important?


The body needs a lot of vitamins to function well and stay healthy. For growth and development, one of the most essential vitamins is vitamin A. It is also important for vision, immune function, cell recognition, and reproduction. It is a fat-soluble vitamin that also often works as an antioxidant. Aside from that, it also has many other uses.

Vitamin A has two types, which are preformed vitamin A and pro-vitamin A. Preformed vitamin A is also known as retinol and is usually found in animal products. Some of the foods rich in this vitamin are meat, milk, cheese, eggs, liver, cream, and halibut fish oil. Pro-vitamin A, on the other hand, is found in plant-based foods, mainly in fruits and vegetables. One of the most common types of pro-vitamin A is beta-carotene, which is found in carrots, pumpkin, broccoli, and other brightly colored foods.

In addition to foods rich in vitamin A, there are also food supplements available that people can take to get enough of the vitamin. One of the best in the market is the vitamin A drops by Wellabs that you can get here: https://shopwellabs.com/products/wellabs-vitamin-a-drops. If you want to know more about what vitamin A can do to the body, read on as we’re giving you a list of reasons why vitamin A is important.

1. Vitamin A protects the eyes from night blindness and age-related decline


Vitamin A is needed to convert the light that hits the eye into an electrical signal which is sent to the brain. This is why one of the symptoms of vitamin A deficiency is night blindness or also called nyctalopia. People with night blindness are still able to see normally during the day. However, they have reduced vision when in the dark as their eyes find it difficult to pick up light at lower levels.

Aside from preventing night blindness, vitamin A intake, especially beta carotene, may also help slow the decline in eyesight that most people experience as they age. This is also called age-related macular degeneration, which is a leading cause of blindness in the developed world. Therefore, eating adequate amounts of vitamin A can help prevent the development of night blindness and slow the decline of your eyesight as you age.

2. Vitamin A supports a Healthy Immune system

There are many vitamins out there that can help maintain a healthy immune system. If you’re interested in those kinds of vitamins, you can visit this manufacturer’s website for more information.

Among those many vitamins, vitamin A plays a vital role in maintaining the natural defenses of the body, including the mucous barriers in your lungs, eyes, and genitals, which are responsible for trapping bacteria and other infectious agents. In addition to that, vitamin A also plays a role in the production and formation of white blood cells, which helps in capturing and clearing bacteria and pathogens from the bloodstream.

Therefore, if you are vitamin A deficient, you can be more susceptible to infections and may delay your recovery when you get sick.  In countries where infections like malaria and measles are common, one of the ways that have been effective in decreasing the risk of death is correcting vitamin A deficiency.

3. Vitamin A can help reduce the risk of acne

Acne is a chronic, inflammatory skin disorder. People who are prone to acne tend to develop painful spots and blackheads on the face, back, and chest. This happens when the sebaceous glands are clogged with dead skin and oils. Though the spots are harmless, acne may also have a serious effect on people’s mental health, which can lead to anxiety, low self-esteem, and depression.

Based on studies, vitamin A deficiency can increase the risk of acne development because it causes the overproduction of the protein keratin in the hair follicles. With this, acne can increase as it is more difficult for dead skin cells to be removed from hair follicles, which can lead to blockages. But today, those who have severe acne can get vitamin-A-based medications, which are available with a prescription.

4. Vitamin A supports bone health

It is known that vitamin D, protein, and calcium are the key nutrients needed to maintain healthy bones. But having enough vitamin A in the body is also needed for proper brown growth and development. People who have lower blood levels of vitamin A are at risk of bone fractures.

Therefore, eating the recommended amount of vitamin A may help protect your bones and reduce the risk of fractures.

5. Vitamin A promotes healthy growth and reproduction

To maintain a healthy reproductive system in both men and women and ensure the normal growth and development of embryos during pregnancy, vitamin A is needed. The lack of vitamin A can reduce egg quality and can affect egg implantation in the womb. In addition to that, vitamin A also plays a role in developing many organs and structures of the unborn child, such as the nervous system, skeleton, kidneys, eyes, heart, pancreas, and lung.

However, keep in mind that too much vitamin A during pregnancy can also be harmful to the growing baby, as it may also lead to birth defects. Therefore, if you are pregnant, it’s better to consult with your doctor first before taking any vitamins.


Vitamin A indeed plays a lot of roles when it comes to maintaining a healthy body. It is used to have a healthy vision and a balanced immune system. But remember that both too little and too much vitamin A could affect your health negatively. Just continue eating a healthy and balanced diet. If you want to take supplements, consult with your doctor first, especially if you are pregnant or have existing medications and health conditions.

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