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History of Skol Beer

Brazlian beer with English origins Interestingly, the famous Brazilian beer Skol's origins aren't found in Brazil, or anywhere near it. Skol's roots hail back to...

The Different Types of Beer

Helping readers to tell the difference among different beer varieties DISCLAIMER: This hub is just a guide and for educational purposes only, not necessarily promoting...

Stuart Hamblen, the Singing Cowboy

Introduction to Stuart Hamblen Stuart Hamblen was an American country singer-songwriter, one of the country's first singing cowboys. Hamblen rose to popularity through his series...

Richard Harris, the Legendary Actor and Singer

Short career summary on Richard Harris Richard Harris (born 1930 – died 2002) was an Irish actor, film director and singer known for his films...

Tennessee Ernie Ford – “Sixteen Tons”

Short introduction to Tennessee Ernie Ford Tennessee Ernie Ford was an American radio and television personality as well as recording artist. Ford would enjoy great...

Some Very Interesting and Unusual Beers

If you love everything about beer, then you might find this article really interesting We culled from different sources, and picked what we think are...

History of Corona Beer

When you see of an image of a beer bottle with a wedge of lime or lemon stuck into its mouth, you automatically know...

The History Of Samuel Adams Beer

Samuel Adams beer is a big part of the craft beer world. It was made by the Boston Beer Company in 1984 and was...

History of Bobby Helms

Bobby Helms (born Robert Lee Helms in 1933 – died in 1997) was an American country singer, born in Martinsville, Indiana from a musical...

The Interesting History of Dos XX Beer

When the topic of beer surfaces in conversation, minds often wander to the festive halls of Germany's Oktoberfest or perhaps to the dark, frothy...


How Can I Ensure That I’m Ordering a High-Quality Steak at a Restaurant?

A steak dinner can be a sublime culinary experience, but not all steaks are created equal. Whether you're dining at a high-end steakhouse or...

How You Can Choose the Best Banjo Teacher for Your Needs: Top Considerations

Any banjo enthusiast would be quick to tell you that learning to play the banjo can be a rewarding and fulfilling endeavor, whether you're...

What Should You Know About Online Slot Odds?

Slot odds show your chances of winning when you spin the reels. Slot probabilities, unlike other casino games, are difficult to predict since they...