5 Self-Help Anxiety Treatments You May Not Have Tried

Anxiety affects a reported 40 million people across the United States. While it can be due to an underlying condition, it may stem from emotional trauma, daily stress, financial worries, or a side effect of medication.

If you’re suffering from anxiety that’s affecting your daily life, you must look for ways to ease the mental health disorder. Here are five self-help treatments you may not have tried.

1. Write in a Diary

If you’re unsure what is triggering your anxiety or a panic attack, it might help to write in a diary. By doing so, you could identify experiences or situations triggering a feeling of worry or nervousness. Plus, a daily diary could provide a private forum to air your concerns, which could help clear your mind and lower your stress levels.

2. Try Breathing Exercises

Breathing exercises can relax your mind and body, as they can slow your heart rate and thoughts. Therefore, it could help you cope with a stressful situation and feel more in control of your feelings and health.

There are various breathing exercises you could try, such as:

  • Mindful breathing
  • Deep breathing
  • Diaphragmatic breathing
  • 4-7-8 breathing

3. Learn About CBD

Many believe cannabidiol (CBD) is a promising anxiety treatment. Early research has found CBD may alter a person’s serotonin signals. As low serotonin levels can lead to anxiety or depression, CBD could help people manage the disorder. If you’re unfamiliar with cannabidiol and how it works, you can learn more about it on platinumcbduk.com.

4. Care for Your Physical Health

Physical and mental health are connected. If you’re feeling anxious or worried, you may need to take greater care of your body. For example, you must ensure you enjoy a good night’s sleep each night. Aim to experience between 7 to 9 hours of shut-eye per night. Also, you must eat a nutritious, balanced diet and avoid skipping meals. Eating three meals per day will keep your blood sugar levels stable, which will improve your energy and mood.

Incorporate exercise into your daily routine, too, as it is beneficial for your mental wellbeing. It can eliminate stress in the body, lift your mood, and improve your self-esteem.

5. Talk Therapy

Ease anxiety by talking to someone you trust, such as your partner, a friend, or a family member. Airing your worries aloud can lower stress and help put your feelings into perspective. Plus, knowing you have someone who is happy to listen to you can be comforting.

If you cannot open up to a loved one about your anxiety, you must talk to a doctor or a therapist. Also, you could contact an anxiety support group, such as:

  • Mental Health America
  • Anxiety and Depression Association of America
  • 7 Cups of Tea
  • The Tribe

The above are ideal options for talking to non-judgemental volunteers or those struggling with a similar mental health issue.

If you follow these helpful tips, you might just be able to alleviate anxiety symptoms and take back control of your mental health.