The Biggest Earthquakes in History

The Biggest Earthquakes in History

Throughout the years, our planet survived millions of earthquakes that destroyed homes, buildings, and other infrastructures. Furthermore, earthquakes are the result of the movement of tectonic plates, although other factors like volcanic eruptions could also cause it. In our history, several recorded earthquakes hit our planet. Some of the major quakes in … Read more

The Greatest Expeditions in History

The Greatest Expeditions in History

Our world, as we know it, would not be the same without the work of different explorers in our history. It is all written in our history books the names and expeditions of the brave people who explored the vast oceans during the early times. Apparently, it seems pretty challenging as it … Read more

History of the Black Plague

Yersina pestis

In the mid-1300s, there was a global epidemic involving a devastating bubonic plague that struck Asia and Europe in the middle of the 1300s. In October 1347, the plague was believed to arrive in Europe after a dozen ships from the Black Sea docked at Messina’s Sicilian port.  The people that had … Read more

The History of Mount Weather

Mount Weather FEMA

The Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center, better known as Mount Weather, is a military underground bunker and missile silo launch facility located in the state of Virginia, United States. It is also one of the Continuity of Government (COG) safety sites in the US, although its exact COG functions are still strictly … Read more

Tips for Storing Food for the Long Term

assorted food products on white wooden shelf

While all of us never wish for any disaster to happen, the reality is that we will face it – only we do not know when. That is why it is always better to prepare for any eventuality. If you are looking for a reliable provider of commercial refrigeration, check here. No … Read more

What Is the Svalbard Global Seed Vault?

Svalbard seed vault

The Svalbard Global Seed Vault is a secure seed bank on Spitsbergen, a Norwegian island of the Arctic Svalbard archipelago. Since it is only about 1,300 kilometers (or 810 miles) from the North Pole, the Svalbard Global Seed Vault is as remote as it can get. A seed bank, in simplest terms, … Read more

What Were the Biggest Wildfires in History?

wildfires destroy a forest

Whether it is an act of nature or the result of human carelessness, these fires have decimated some of the world’s vast forests with alarming ferocity and tragic consequences (not in order). 1) The Great Fire of 1910 The Great Fire of 1910 was a wildfire that burned about three million acres … Read more

Top 20 Post-Apocalyptic Movies of All Time

These Final Hours

Do you notice that apocalyptic movies have their own brand of power? They just mix the creeping dread that horror movies give up with the adrenaline rush that disaster movies bring. That is why most of us will definitely feel a pulse-racing suspense one time or another while watching these sort of … Read more

Great Stories of Survival

a slot canyon where Aron Ralston was trapped

Despite the many injuries and diseases that we humans can suffer from, we are sometimes capable of doing great things in order to survive. From rationing food supplies to stopping the bleeding on a wound before being sent to a hospital, our adrenaline rush and our powerful will to survive may be … Read more

History of Plagues and Pestilence

plague doctor outfit during the Black Death

Several plagues throughout human history have killed millions of people around the world. Before the modern age, there were no correct methods of recovering from the plague and preventing them from spreading, which made them much deadlier in the past.  Thankfully, doctors and researchers today are constantly finding different ways to stop … Read more