The Thrilling World of Roulette: History, Science, and Fascinating Facts

Roulette, often known as the “queen of casino games,” is a symbol of gambling sophistication. Its rich history, scientific aspects, and intriguing facts make it a fascinating subject. This comprehensive guide delves into the origins of roulette, its evolution, the science behind it, and some captivating trivia. The Birth and Evolution of … Read more

Slot Machines: A Blend of History, Science, and Fascinating Facts

slot machine in casino

Slot machines, often called the “one-armed bandits,” have been captivating casino-goers for over a century. These gambling devices combine the allure of chance with captivating technology, making them a staple in casinos worldwide. Let’s delve into the history, science, and some intriguing facts about these popular gaming machines. The History of Slot … Read more

How does 5G work?


Internet connectivity allowed everyone insurmountable access to information anywhere, anytime. It became an inherent part of modern life, changing how people think and communicate. Further, it transformed how we live as we gain a vast network of interconnectedness.  As wireless connection aims to provide high-quality access, let’s dwell first on the technicalities … Read more

What are the Benefits of Using Binoculars?


There are some instances where our eyes aren’t able to give us a clear vision or a better view of particular objects or places, especially if they are far away from us. Fortunately, there is a tool or device that we can use so that we can easily view faraway subjects. This … Read more

What Was the Scientific Cause of the Black Plague?

Plague mask, hat and costume of medieval Doctor

The Black Plague, which is also known as the Black Death or the Bubonic Plague, was one of the most fatal pandemics in human history, killing an estimated 75-200 million people across Eurasia in the 14th century. People thought for ages that the epidemic was caused by divine punishment or foul air. … Read more

Body Parts You Didn’t Know Have Names

human anatomy

Do you know the name of the groove between the bottom of your nose and your upper lip? Or that smooth surface between your eyebrows? Has anyone told you what the top of your head is called? If you’re convinced that these anatomical parts don’t have names, you’d be surprised to learn … Read more

The 9 Useless Parts of Our Body That We No Longer Need


The human body has a few unneeded organs. But believe it or not, they used to serve a specific function among our ancestors. These parts used to be essential for human survival, but they have now become useless. They are called “vestigial organs,” which have either atrophied or degenerated to the point … Read more

The Different Types of Rainbows

Double Rainbow

Saying that rainbows are beautiful natural phenomena is an understatement. No matter how many times we’ve seen them, they still never fail to amaze us every time they appear. Rainbows are something special, not just because of sentimental reasons. They are optical illusions similar to a mirage – when the light rays … Read more

The Interesting History of John Deere

Logo of John Deere & Company

John Deere is the brand name of Deere and Company. It is an American corporation that manufactures, diesel engines, agricultural products, forestry machines, construction, drivetrains, etc. used in lawn care and heavy equipment. In 2019, it was ranked 87th in the Fortune 500 American and 329th in the global ranking. The company … Read more

The Interesting History of Hydraulics

Hydraulic pipes

Hydraulics is an applied science and technology that uses chemistry, engineering, and other sciences that involve the use of liquids and mechanical properties. At a basic level, hydraulics is the liquid counterpart of pneumatics which refers to gases. The theoretical foundation for hydraulics is provided by fluid mechanics. It focuses on the … Read more