jazz music

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Artist Profile: Robert Palmer

Robert Palmer was an English musician that was born in January 1949. He was also a record producer known for combining rock, pop, blues,...

Top Fashion Trends of the 80s

The 1980s was a bold fashion statement, a rebellion against the minimalist trends of the previous years, showcasing an era where more was always...

5 Things to budget for when planning a wedding

Planning your wedding can be tedious, but if you do it as early as possible and come up with an organized plan, it can...

Major Fashion Trends and Styles of the 1900s

Fashion in the 20th century can’t be defined in one word. If we look back at the major trends, not only is it a...

Popular College Bands

As the saying goes, "music runs in the blood and consumes the heart." This sentiment is especially true for many renowned bands whose origins...

The History of Fat Albert And The Cosby Kids

Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids is an animated television series that was created by Bill Cosby. The show premiered in 1972 under the...

6 Things You Absolutely Must Do As A Travel Blogger In NYC

The dream for many people around the world is to experience the wonderful New York City. However, a trip to the city that never...

Why You Should Protect Your Hearing at a Concert

Without any reasonable doubt, music is one of the best ways to relax, refresh and unwind after a long day. And what a better...

Learn About the Amazing Pop Duo of Wham!

Considered to be one of the most successful pop artist of the 80’s, Wham! Is an English duo composed of George Michael and Andrew...

The Police – An Iconic Rock Band

The Police was a British rock band from London that was formed in 1977. They played a style of rock influenced by reggae, punk,...


From Small Screen to Silver Screen: Television Stars Who Conquered Hollywood

Many television actors made the leap to the big screen, achieving remarkable success in the film industry. These transitions weren't just career moves; they...

5 Groundbreaking TV Shows Led by Women in the 1960s

The 1960s was a pivotal decade for television, and women played crucial roles in reshaping the medium. It was an era when strong female...

Learn About the Strange and Unusual Saiga Antelope

Have you ever heard of the Saiga Antelope? It’s a unique species native to the harsh landscapes of Central Asia and is known for...