Spread the Language: The Joys of Teaching ESL

It may be hard for people who were born in English-speaking countries to understand, but for many people in the world, the ability to speak English means more than just being able to understand things like song lyrics and movies from North America — it can open them up to applying for jobs that are higher-paying, and allow them to assimilate more easily in countries around the world which offer a higher quality of living.

Teaching ESL gives you the satisfaction of gifting to students the ability to speak one of the most widely-spoken languages, and all the implications that holds. Let’s take a closer look at how you can spread the joys of speaking English by teaching ESL abroad today.

Travel Abroad

While there are people in your community who may benefit from learning English, teaching ESL in a foreign country lets you connect with students who get decidedly less exposure to English — plus, it also lets your travel!

If you decide that you want to teach English in Korea you suddenly have the best reason to travel abroad in a deep and meaningful way — while it’s great to drop in to a new country for days or weeks, being able to remain there for an extended period of time lets you really absorb the culture, history, politics, and so much more.

It’s hard to get a chance to travel for so long without working there, and teaching ESL gives you the perfect opportunity to remain planted and soak it up.

Get the Right Support

While travelling to another country is very exciting, before you dive right in to the experience you’ll want to make sure you get the right help. There are travel recruitment companies which exist specifically to make your transition as easy as possible.

Pick one that has enough resources and experience to make sure you land running, because you’re going to need help sorting out visa paperwork, finding appropriate lodging, booking and paying for flights, as well as checking in periodically to make sure you’re adjusting well to living abroad and to teaching a classroom of ESL students.

Travel Further on Breaks

Eventually you’ll get some time off work, and you’ll find that it’s way easier and cheaper to fly to countries that are very far away from where you grew up, but very close to your current location. This presents a great opportunity for further travel, if you choose.

Alternatively, you may decide to travel within the country you’re already living in — it’s tempting to drop in to neighbouring countries, but once you get a taste of one foreign country you may decide to spend your time exploring it deeper. Whatever you choose to do, both options are available.

Teaching ESL allows you to essentially be a cultural ambassador, and gives you the rewarding experience of imparting to students something that changes their life. If you want to travel abroad and create a truly meaningful experience for you and all your students, sign up to teach ESL abroad with the right travel recruiting company today.