Guide to the Absolutely Strangest Things on Earth

an eerie ambiance

Many people love learning about a good mystery. There are lots of stories out there about strange and unusual things. It’s because our planet is filled with places and things that are surreal, eerie, and sometimes downright bizarre. Even though many of these things have logical or scientific explanations, some still remain … Read more

What was Fordlandia?

the water tower and main warehouse in Fordlandia, Brazil

Fordlandia is a district in the city of Aveiro, in the Brazilian state of Para. It is situated on the east banks of the Tapajos river, which is one the south of the city of Santarem. It was established by American businessperson Henry Ford in 1928 in the American Rainforest. It is … Read more

Weird and Unusual Facts from History You Never Knew

Weird and Unusual Facts from History You Never Knew

We learned a lot about history in high school, but there is a lot more we never learned from school. There are so many weird and wonderful facts of history that’s so wacky and unusual that could never be repeated even if someone tries to. The past is full of curious stories, … Read more