5 Tips For Maintaining Oral Health

There are things that you can do everyday that are inexpensive and simple that are going to improve your oral health. If you are not sure what they are, here are some ideas, and your can most definitely give you more.

1. Are You Consuming Too Much Sugar?

It can get a little scary when you start to look at the sugar content of some of the everyday things one consumes. Most people don’t realize how much of it is in the food you eat and the drinks you have.

The average amount that an American consumes in one year is 152 pounds of sugar, compared to 2 pounds two hundred years ago. That is a pretty significant leap that a change towards the modern diet doesn’t really explain away.

Sugar feeds the bacteria that can cause gum disease, leading to damage to the enamel on your teeth. It also changes the acidity level in your mouth that makes it more hospitable for the bacteria as well.

Cutting back on sugar is going to have inestimable benefits for your oral and overall health especially if you have a sweet tooth.

2. Are You Brushing Correctly?

This may seem like a question that you can easily answer, because you have most likely been cleaning your teeth for a while. But checking with your dentist to make sure that you are not brushing too harshly, or are maybe using the wrong brush is very worthwhile.

It starts with the brush – are those bristles soft? Soft bristles clan effectively, where hard bristles can damage the tooth structure. And you need to let it go when it is time, and get a new brush.

Scrubbing is not the way, and neither is going to fast. About two minutes twice a day is what you need to aim for.

You want to move in small circular motions that go up and down, and you don’t want to forget the gum line. Remember the tongue as well.

3. Do You Floss?

You may have the whole brushing thing down, but are you just as confident with your flossing technique? This is if you even do floss, which unfortunately many people don’t.

Grab a piece that is about 24 inches long so you can grip it. Wrap it around your middle fingers. Hold about 1 to 3 inches between your thumbs and forefingers. Start at the top center and then move on to each side.

If you get into a rhythm and stick to that each time that you floss, you won’t miss any teeth. Slide that floss down between your teeth as far as it will go, then slide it below your gums. Curve it around your tooth and make up to 10 strokes on each side of the tooth. Use a new section of floss for each tooth.

Master the technique and it won’t seem so scary, and it is going to drastically improve your oral health. Even if you floss and brush regularly, it’s important to have a dental checkup twice a year.

4. Do You Drink Fluoridated Water And Brush With Fluoride Toothpaste?

Some people don’t like fluoride and will choose a natural toothpaste instead, but it is something that dentists recommend, and which is said to reduce tooth decay by 20-40%.

The American Dental Association provides a lot of data about fluoride, so you should do your due diligence and check it out here.

Fluoride makes your teeth stronger by making the enamel stronger, and this makes it easier for you to resist tooth decay. By becoming part of your alkiva, fluoride makes sure that your teeth are constantly bathed in it to help you prevent cavities.

Your toothpaste basically adds to the protection offered by the fluoride in your water, and it helps to remove the bacteria and the plaque that can build up on your teeth and gums every day.

5. Do You See Your Dentist Regularly?

If people at least manage to do their basic oral health care that they need to do, they are going to be better off than someone that does no brushing or flossing at all, but they are still missing out on the most valuable asset in their mission to have good oral healthcare, and that is visiting their dentist.

“Your dentist got into the profession to help people, and as his patient he or she has a vested interest in making sure that you have the best possible oral health.” – Dr. Peterson – AllThingsDrBobbi.

This does not just involve checking over your teeth when you come in for a check up. You will standardly get a cleaning when you come in, and the dentist will point out to you areas where your dental health could use improvement. You may not be brushing correctly, flossing correctly, or there may be some other oral health care issue that demands attention. Visiting your dentist will ensure that you are educated about the importance of what you need to do for your teeth and gums.


By implementing some of these things you may see an overall improvement in your oral health. It can’t be stressed how important it is to have great dentist who can help educate you and maintain your teeth, and these tips will help you keep your dental health optimal when at home.