What is a PCB and how can you use it effectively?

What is a PCB and how can you use it effectively?

A PCB, or Printed Circuit Board, is a board that allows electricity to flow between various parts of a circuit. It is often used in electronic devices and can be found in everything from computers to cell phones. While PCBs can be complex, understanding how to use them effectively can help you … Read more

How Is Ceramic Used in PCB- Let’s Dig Out the Facts Wisely!

How Is Ceramic Used in PCB- Let’s Dig Out the Facts Wisely!

In the electronics industry, typical printed circuit boards using organic laminates mostly as core material develop high-density, high accuracy and excellent performance with the introduction of surface mounting (SMT) systems. Of course, ceramic PCBs have been utilized for years in the electronics sector and are therefore a more feasible alternative for PCB … Read more

History of the PCB- A Great Invention

History of the PCB- A Great Invention

If we think about the greatest inventions of human history, it is not unreasonable to state that the inventions related to modern technology are some of the most important we have ever come across. Its right up there with inventions like the Phonautograph by Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville.  From calculators to massive internet … Read more