video games


The Best and Worst of Microtransaction Video Games!

Technological advances change everything! Yes, online transactions are not currently limited to buying and selling online but are already expanding deep into the gaming...

What Are Top 3 Best Selling Video Games 2020?

So far, the ongoing events about the pandemic have completely affected our lifestyle, our ways of living, as well as our time management. Due...

8 Iconic Real Estate Properties in Video Games

Video games remain a popular hobby for many. Besides being an entertaining respite from school or work, video games appeal to many because of...

You Can Enjoy the Best of 2021 Video Games With AvuloCard

Video game trends have a long way since the early days of Nintendo and Atari. Advancements in tech and software have made it possible...

Gaming Over The Decades

Gaming has undergone a remarkable evolution over the decades, driven by technological advancements, shifts in consumer preferences, and the industry's dynamic nature. Each era...

Don’t Let Your Children Play Video Games for Extended Hours During the Lockdown

To fight the virus that's affecting the world right now, people have to keep a distance. It's the reason why there are orders from...

Fascinating Facts You Likely Didn’t Know about Video Games

Video games are at the core of gaming indulgence with features that thrill, mystify, and amaze us. Behind all these games that are loved...

When Video Games Meet Clothing Brands

The global esports audience has soared past the 450 million mark this year and that has turned the leading lights into genuine superstars. They...


Disney games have taken the world by storm. Today, every child’s birthday wish is to visit Disney world. The mention of Aladdin or mickey...

History Of Pac-Man

Pac-Man - a classic video game Who hasn't seen and played Pac-Man? This classic arcade video game has charmed many kids (and kids at heart)...


Crypto and Color: The Intersection of Online Color Prediction and Cryptocurrency

In the ever-evolving landscape of online gaming and digital finance, a unique convergence has emerged: the intersection of online color prediction games and cryptocurrency....

The Divorce Process Explained: Step-by-Step Guide for Couples Seeking Separation

Divorce is a significant life event that involves the legal dissolution of a marriage. For couples considering separation, understanding the divorce process is essential...

Promoting Positive Mental Health in Children: A Comprehensive Guide

Positive mental health is essential for children's overall well-being and development. It influences how they think, feel, and behave in everyday life. As a...